366 research outputs found

    The Country-specific Organizational and Information Architecture of ERP Systems at Globalised Enterprises

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    The competition on the market forces companies to adapt to the changing environment. Most recently, the economic and financial crisis has been accelerating the alteration of both business and IT models of enterprises. The forces of globalization and internationalization motivate the restructuring of business processes and consequently IT processes. To depict the changes in a unified framework, we need the concept of Enterprise Architecture as a theoretical approach that deals with various tiers, aspects and views of business processes and different layers of application, software and hardware systems. The paper outlines a wide-range theoretical background for analyzing the re-engineering and re-organization of ERP systems at international or transnational companies in the middle-sized EU member states. The research carried out up to now has unravelled the typical structural changes, the models for internal business networks and their modification that reflect the centralization, decentralization and hybrid approaches. Based on the results obtained recently, a future research program has been drawn up to deepen our understanding of the trends within the world of ERP systems.Information System; ERP; Enterprise Resource Planning; Enterprise Architecture; Globalization; Centralization; Decentralization; Hybrid

    Creating Responsive Information Systems with the Help of SSADM

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    In this paper, a program for a research is outlined. Firstly, the concept of responsive information systems is defined and then the notion of the capacity planning and software performance engineering is clarified. Secondly, the purpose of the proposed methodology of capacity planning, the interface to information systems analysis and development methodologies (SSADM), the advantage of knowledge-based approach is discussed. The interfaces to CASE tools more precisely to data dictionaries or repositories (IRDS) are examined in the context of a certain systems analysis and design methodology (e.g. SSADM)

    A vállalatok és érintettjeik jellemző együttműködési formáinak kommunikációtudományi vizsgálata = The Forms of Cooperation Between Corporations and Stakeholders – Analysis with the Approach of Communication Studies’

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    A kutatás célja annak áttekintése, hogy a fenntartható fejlődés koncepció és az üzleti, társadalmi és környezeti fenntarthatóság gondolata, milyen módon jelenik meg a vállalatok kommunikációjában, intézményesül-e a vállalatok működésében, és ha igen, milyen módon és miként vezet az érintetti kapcsolatok tudatos, kölcsönös együttműködéssé formálásához, valamint hogyan vezet ez a vállalatok és érintettek közötti együttműködésekhez, és akár kölcsönös előnyökkel járó újításokhoz

    The Country-specific Organizational and Information Architecture of ERP Systems at Globalised Enterprises

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    The competition on the market forces companies to adapt to the changing environment. Most recently, the economic and financial crisis has been accelerating the alteration of both business and IT models of enterprises. The forces of globalization and internationalization motivate the restructuring of business processes and consequently IT processes. To depict the changes in a unified framework, we need the concept of Enterprise Architecture as a theoretical approach that deals with various tiers, aspects and views of business processes and different layers of application, software and hardware systems. The paper outlines a wide-range theoretical background for analyzing the re-engineering and re-organization of ERP systems at international or transnational companies in the middle-sized EU member states. The research carried out up to now has unravelled the typical structural changes, the models for internal business networks and their modification that reflect the centralization, decentralization and hybrid approaches. Based on the results obtained recently, a future research program has been drawn up to deepen our understanding of the trends within the world of ERP systems

    Analysis approach for enterprise information systems architecture based on hypergraph to aligned business process requirements

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    Modeling is the artifact of the outcome of some designing and analysis activity. Our idea is to present a formal way to use the mathematical analytic methods for exploring misalignment based on different concepts (i nformation systems (IS), enterprisearchitecture (EA) business processes (BP)...) and relationships between various concepts in the domain of Enterprise IS (EIS) and try to align BP requirements. This paper presents a description of an analytical approach based on hypergraph representation for EA based on hypergraph theory. The hypergraph as a mathematical structure is very flexible thereby it offers the opportunity for unified and uniform handling of models and providing solutions for representing various views and perspectives of the functioning enterprise exploiting the service of IS

    Improving the Security Levels of E-government Processes within Public Administration through the Establishment of Improved Security Systems

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    Processes that are related to the identification and the authentication of persons and other legal entities have been necessarily existing and functioning for a while in public administration and business. Information Society offers new e-services for citizens and businesses, which dramatically change the administration and results additional challenges, risks and opportunities. Citizen’s confidence and trust to services has to be improved, meanwhile several requirements, like data protection, privacy and legal requirements has to be satisfied. The usual business process of identification of the corresponding entity is generally based on some trivial control mechanism, typically password identification. In order to keep up the trust of the public in the public administration activities, the process for entity identification (both person and legal entity) should be amended taken in account the business and security consideration. Identity management solutions show intriguing variation of approaches in Europe, they are at a different maturity level of services. Our paper gives an overview about the most frequently cited identity management architectures (namely: Liberty Alliance Architecture, IDABC, Sibboleth, Government Gateway Model and Austrian Model) and presents an identity management framework (based on the PKI, but improved it), customized for the Hun-garian specialities, which offer possibilities to improve the related services quality. The goal of this paper is to show a solution for the improvement of the identity management solution for e-government processes through the development of security mechanisms making use of the readily avail-able technologies